Name of course:
General Graded Examination In Spanish Dance – Grade 3
Accredited status and level of qualification:
RQF Level 1
Mode of delivery:
This course is delivered on a face-to-face basis.
Hours of total learning:
This course will require the following minimum amount of study:
Guided Learning Hours: 60, Other Learning Hours: 10, Total Qualification time: 70 hours
Number of credits:
Current Credit Value: 7
Mode of attendance:
This course is available part-time.
A typical student might be expected to take twelve years of study to progress from Grade 1 to Grade 8. This course progresses according to the student’s ability and rate of attendance.
Target audience:
This course is designed to provide opportunities for students from six years of age and onwards, though are typically taken by the six to eighteen age range. Entry to the grades is not age related, however, and is open to any prospective student who has the physical capability to safely undertake the study requirements. Special provision may be made for students with additional educational needs. There are no age restrictions, the age of students being entered for these examinations include those who are 70+.
Language of instruction:
This course is delivered in English or Maltese, depending on the language preferred by our students.
Address where this course is delivered:
This course is delivered at: Dance Academy (DA), Vesta Business Centre, 63/1, Triq iz-Zaghfran, Attard, ATD 9013. You may see our Contact Us page to view the location on Maps.
Entry requirements:
No prior learning or ability is required but prospective students are expected to start at a grade appropriate to their physical capabilities.
This course offers students the scope to study the various techniques and styles of the Regional, Classical and Flamenco forms of Spanish Dance in order to make progress through performance, thereby developing their knowledge, skills and understanding of Spanish Dance. This encourages a broad and continuing interest and participation in Spanish Dance as an expressive medium and appropriate progression for those who aspire to careers as theatre dance professionals or in related occupations.
Learning outcomes:
This course aims to:
- Promote the progression of performance of Spanish Dance as a medium for personal expression and enjoyment;
- Encourage the acquisition and development of personal, social, emotional, creative and physical skills and abilities;
- Provide opportunities for active and discriminating participation both as performer and as audience;
- Encourage the acquisition of aesthetic and critical understanding and judgement;
- Develop increasing awareness of the cultural contribution and rich diversity of Spanish Dance.
Teaching, learning and assessment procedures:
Castanets, Braceo, Zapateado – The purpose of this examination component is to study the mechanics of wearing and playing the castanets using the Andalusian method. The aim is to progress from demonstrating clear single beats using the correct fingers to being able to produce a ‘roll’ while maintaining the first position of the arms very still with the palms facing the body.
The student will aim to integrate the correct Spanish Dance stylised posture that technically requires a slightly extended thoracic spine and flexed cervical spine, weight pulled up off the supporting leg and hips, abdominal muscles well held, and use of the head with the eye line straight ahead with a strong expression.
Centre – The purpose of the work in this examination component is to develop and integrate the centre practice challenges of transference of weight, balance, alignment and coordination skills, requiring a development of core stability and producing the possibility of enhanced proprioception. The students will study ten different types of progressively challenging turns and eight ‘Pas de Basques’. Spatial awareness and direction, fluency of movement and mind-body coordination aims to progressively increase the development and skill for the student to confidently dance on their own and with a partner.
Dance (performance of short dance sequences) – The purpose of work in this Examination Component is to develop performance skills and the student’s own capacity for interpretation and self-expression through the amalgamation of steps and sequences. Spanish Dance also utilises the space available to the dancer. Its purpose is to develop ownership of space, technique and expression, together with qualities of enjoyment, presentation, self-confidence, mastery of Spanish Dance and interpretation of music. These qualities together with increasing physical awareness and ability find their realisation in a synthesis of music, dance and self.
During an examination students will be assessed on their ability to demonstrate performance of the following five Assessment Categories:
- Technique
- Musicality
- Appearance
- Performance Skills
- Knowledge and Understanding
Grading system and pass rates:
All examinations are performance based and are structured so that the duration of each examination provides opportunities for all students to demonstrate achievement in the chosen discipline.
The duration of examinations at Grade 3 is 25 minutes.
The five Assessment Categories i.e. Technique, Musicality, Appearance, Performance Skills, Knowledge & Understanding are weighted as follows:
- Technique: 45%
- Musicality: 15%
- Appearance: 5%
- Performance Skills: 20%
- Knowledge and Understanding: 15%
For the full information regarding the assessment procedures and grading system you may view the course specification document, which may be found at this link:
Date of next intake:
This course is offered at the start of each scholastic year and may also be offered on-demand. You are encouraged to contact us for further details on phone number (+356) 99455096. Alternatively you may contact us by email at
Fees for this course are available upon request. You are encouraged to contact us for further details on phone number (+356) 99455096. Alternatively you may contact us by email at
Registration method:
To register your interest for this course please fill in the contact form on our Contact Us page. We will then get back to you, provide you with further details and you will be invited to fill in the course application form.
Additional information, further learning opportunities and career pathways:
This course aligns with the General Graded Examinations In Spanish Dance Syllabus and career pathways. For additional information, further learning opportunities and career pathways you may view the course specification document, which may be found at this link:
Link to Identity Malta’s VISA requirement for 3rd country nationals: